Trump's War | Teen Ink

Trump's War

October 31, 2018
By Camden_ BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Camden_ BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Trump’s War” follows the series of events following the 2016 presidential election of President Trump. “Trump’s War” written by Michael Savage, goes over several topics in the spin of a new president. Savage goes into depth about Trump’s plan about immigration, taxes, and the border wall. Savage also criticizes the liberal ideas and opinions several times in the book. He wrote a whole book titled “Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder”. Not only did he criticize the liberal ideals, but he also criticized President Trump on some things. By saying that President Trump has keep most of his promises but not all. And also going in on the fact that President Trump is very liberal when it comes to HealthCare and trying to shut down Obamacare and come up with another HealthCare plan to benefit most Americans.

In this book, Savage not only criticizes Trump but he also takes credit for Trump’s victory. Many times. Savage supports Trump on some parts in the book, and I can understand that it is his opinion. But he had absolutely no facts to backup some of his critiques about President Trump. He also said this which I 100% disagree with “ The more important something is, the less you want government involved is wrong. ( Savage 47) .This more the government is involved in stuff the more stuff falls into order. Most national interference into political issues puts things into perspective, and finializes things. For example, when Colin Kaepernick started to take a knee during the National Anthem, it became a great controversy. It eventually got up to the National Level being that President Donald Trump spoke out against the kneeling situation. And was eventually banned from the NFL. The government is needed to keep a society in check, that is why we have a President and congress.

Trump’s War has some mature themes and I really don’t recommend this book to anyone who really doesn’t support Donald Trump or otherwise had different opinions from what Savage has discussed in the topics that I’ve laid out. Adults who have a great knowledge about Politics I would recommend this book to.

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