Dogsong | Teen Ink


October 31, 2018
By Manuel357348 BRONZE, 2224 Southeast Pkwy, Arlington Tx 76018, Texas
Manuel357348 BRONZE, 2224 Southeast Pkwy, Arlington Tx 76018, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dogsong is a good book the only thing that I didn't like about the book is the ending. The book is mainly about this fourteen year old eskimo name Russel. Russel is tired of the snow machines, the diesel oil, and that no one in the village has a song. He is trying to learn the old ways so he can escape all those things. But Oogruk the old shaman who lives in the village can’t give Russel the answer that he seeks. Also another thing that I didn't like about the book is that the chapters were kind confusing first it went from one chapter then from another and then back to the first. Another thing that I like about this book is that it reminds me about the old ways of the native americans and the native people in the arctic how they use to hunt and use dogs or wolves to go around when it was snowing.The characterization about the character is strong to me. The characterization on the character is that he is a fourteen year old eskimo who traveled in his journey to search for answers about his well being. The theme of the story is to take care of others, to learn from your mistakes, and to make your own path to success. The plot structure is easy to follow in my eyes I don’t know about others who read. I will recommend this book to those who like to read about adventure and drama. I will recommend it because the main character goes on a journey to find the answer that he seeks and to make his own song. Also, with the drama he meets a lot of people on his journey. First quote is, “Oogruk didn't use the dogs but simply kept them as memories”. The second quote is, “Russel thought of cold not as an enemy but as many different kind of friends or a complicated ally. You can find the first quote in chapter one, page seven, and you can find the second quote in chapter three, in page forty eight.

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