Kingdom Come | Teen Ink

Kingdom Come

October 31, 2018
By Luis_F BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Luis_F BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The comic book, Kingdom Come, is about the world having a tough time dealing with all the superheroes. All the supervillains are locked up or dead which led to all the superheroes to fight against each other for rights or to be superior to everyone else. A character named, Wesley, has visions of the future and about the war that is going to erupt in the next few years, which leads him to know everything in the future. Since nobody believed him, the war erupted. When the war erupted, Superman wanted to create a team of his own to fight the other superheroes. However, Batman, the antagonist, created a team on his own, which led both teams to fight. Eventually, they have to make a choice that either all superheroes die or most of the population dies.

I liked when the author uses a character in the book to give background knowledge of the situation that they are in at that moment. I like it because it helped me have a better understanding of the book because, without that background knowledge, I would have been lost and not figure out what was happening. The plot structure worked for me because all the events were in chronological order, which made the plot structure easy to follow. The theme also worked for me because it was hope. The theme is hope because at the beginning of the story, a character in the book, Norman, is hopeless, but at the end, Norman finds hope in humanity after talking to people about the situation.

One quote that stands out to me was, “I have responsibilities that you cannot even dream of” (Waid and Ross 92). This quote means that the character had a lot of things in his mind that nobody could imagine what it is. This ties in with the theme because this was one reason why hope was lost. Another quote that I liked was, “They’re not evil…they’re just misguided” (Waid and Ross 79). This means that not all people who are evil, are all evil. Some of those people were just not taught or guided well. My recommendation for this book is for the people who like Sci-Fi comic books and graphic novels. This book is also for people who are in the ages of 14+ because there is a lot of people in different ages that like these kinds of books and some of the material in this book is hard for a young kid to understand.

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