The Chocolate Touch | Teen Ink

The Chocolate Touch

June 1, 2019
By Anonymous

The Chocolate Touch is a story about a boy called John Midas, who liked chocolate. He thought chocolate was better than any other food!

One day, on the way to his friend’s Susan’s house, John found a gleaming, silvery gray coin lying on the road. He wanted to collect the coin, but John went into a candy store and exchanged the coin for a box of candy. He ate the only piece of chocolate inside the candy box. This piece of chocolate was magic and something amazing happened after he put it in his mouth.

First, he brushed his teeth and his toothpaste became chocolate. Then he went to school and tried to take a math test, but when he accidently put the pencil in his mouth, it immediately transformed into a chocolate stick. He couldn’t eat or drink anything because it would begin to turn as soon as it touched his lips.  John was embarrassed when he tried to play his trumpet and it became clogged with chocolate. Finally, not remembering his curse, he kissed his mother, who suddenly became a chocolate statue.

John devastated. He ran to the store where he bought the chocolate and begged the storekeeper to help him. The storekeeper told John, :“Unselfishness is important, but honesty is also important.” John recognized his mistake. The storekeeper excused John and everything turned back to normal.

This is a very interesting story. It reminds us not to be greedy, to think about others, and always tell the truth. I liked this book and I think that you will too.


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