When You Reach me by Rebecca Stead | Teen Ink

When You Reach me by Rebecca Stead

January 10, 2020
By Anonymous

First and foremost I feel the need to express that I am not an avid reader and I often struggle to find books that really catch my intrigue. That is why it is all the more impressive to me that Rebecca Stead was not only able to captivate my interest, but to pull me into the novel and the life of the main character Miranda. Her intricate writing style and detailed plot are shown throughout the book.

I thoroughly enjoyed the way that Stead wove threads throughout the plot, allowing the reader to make their own connections and interact with the plot. I found it easy to gather the information while also making my own predictions and relations to other parts of the book without unnecessary elaborations. This is a component of an author’s capacity as a storyteller that I feel really adds substance to their piece. Their ability to allow the reader to have a feeling of control with the story. It allows someone work through the unfoiling of the plot by creating their own ideas based on the given material. I felt that Stead used this method to make the reader feel more personally connected through the storyline.

I am a lover of all things mystery, anything from The Westing Game to Scooby-Doo. I find it thrilling to try and solve the big mystery presented by a story as it progresses. I feel like it also enhances my reading comprehension as I study characters closer and assess situations more carefully. This is a main reason why When You Reach Me was so enticing for me. Stead’s use of an unknown writer known simply as “you” interacting with Miranda through a series of cryptic letters add an overarching storyline, creating essential questions that guide the novel. Who is the 

mystery writer? What is their connection to Miranda? How will the letters help Miranda on her journey? This narrative gives the plot an additional layer  

Intrigue and mystery are not the only appeals used in the novel. Stead also uses detailed literary devices to create running threads throughout piece. She implements themes and motifs to create connections that tie the story together. A main theme in the story is time and it seems to affect everything Miranda does. The effects of time are shown in many ways and often Miranda’s problems have to do with the constant progression of time. Miranda often dreams about the manipulation of time, she feels that she could use time to her advantage. This is where Stead’s use of distinct motifs come in handy as helpful guides to the importance of themes such as time in the story. Miranda repeatedly mentions A Wrinkle in Time, which is a fascinating fantasy novel that centers around the coming of age story of the protagonist Meg as she searches for her father who is being held hostage. In numerous scenes Miranda is described holding or reading it, which is  Stead’s subtle way of hinting at its importance and meaning in When You Reach Me, not only for the similar bildungsroman of Miranda and Meg, but also because of its use of time and time-travel. It is an interesting concept, to use another book with some similar themes and utilize it as a motif. But this is some of the magic of Stead’s capabilities as an author, giving substance and deeper meaning to a novel with her own unique techniques.

I also found the progression of the story and its protagonist to be quite fascinating. Miranda is opinionated and has a spunky and creative personality making her a very dynamic character. Watching Miranda’s difficulties finding and keeping friends is a feeling that many can relate to. But despite her struggles maintaining relationships, I saw Miranda’s growth throughout the story. She met new people and created bonds that ended up benefiting her in the long run. 

Overall I felt very engaged with this book. Rebecca Stead’s writing style drew me into the life of Miranda and I quickly became invested in the detailed plot. I enjoyed reading this book and I would whole-heartedly recommend it to anyone looking for an interesting read that combines a mystery with a coming of age story.

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