Bring Them Back Alive | Teen Ink

Bring Them Back Alive

May 15, 2009
By Cheyenne Patten BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
Cheyenne Patten BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bring Them Back Alive is very informative and descriptive on how teenagers make bad choices and what they can do to make them better. Jose De Olivares explains the differences between the “Street” and the “Mainstream” societies. I would recommend this book to any teen or parent who has family, criminal, or troubled situations. The author gave many details explaining the problems with teens. Jose’s purpose is to send a message to dangered teens and their parents and to never loose hope because anything is possible.

The difference between these to societies is “law”. It is between criminal and freedom, you choose. “These teenagers don’t aspire to the Mainstream, as street people, they see the mainstream as their enemy, and rightfully so because as street people, it is their enemy”. The teenagers choose to either success or kill to survive, and either stay with the good or follow the bad.
The lives of these teenagers are based on liberty or death. “Street is a survival orientated society that exists without regard of the Mainstream’s laws.”Mainstream is a society of laws, laws that are intended to guarantee every citizen to pursue their dreams with a safe and secure future”. When you are among the street economy you are dangering yourself. When you are with the Mainstream economy you are successful and have liberty. This book shows how teens mix themselves up in bad communities and explains the difference in this world today from back in the 1800’s when crimes were not present.
This book compares the “Street” and “Mainstream” communities. The main points include the behavior, action, and atmosphere teens live in. This book is a great recommendation to parents of teens in need of sociological help. I would rate this book a five, being the best.


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