Body of Lies by Iris Johansen | Teen Ink

Body of Lies by Iris Johansen

May 28, 2009
By Anonymous

Body of Lies is a suspense thriller that takes place in Louisiana and Florida, present day. This book is about an extremist group trying to basically kill important people to show they have power. The Cabal (the extremist group) is sort of planning an apocalypse for politicians and other important people so they can get money.
In Body of Lies Eve Duncan, the main character is a forensic sculptor who is just recovering from having her dead daughter Bonnie’s skeleton found, and having it buried, when she is asked to identify a skull, she denies the offer, which infuriates Jules Hebert, a member of the Cabal. Jules Hebert insists that Eve just has to be the person to do the identification of the skull. So Jules has it arranged that Eve finds out that Joe (her lover) had a different girl’s skeleton buried to ease her suffering. This makes Eve extremely mad at Joe, so she decides to take the job to get away from him for a while to cool off.
This ends up being a decision that might come back to hurt her. Joe goes down to Louisiana to make sure that Eve is ok, even though she doesn’t want him to. Because Eve takes the job, she puts her loved ones in danger and even her own life, when action and violence is executed toward her family and her. This book has many themes like deception and trust and violence along with friendship.
This book left me wanting to read more. I absolutely loved it. There is great suspense and it is a total page-turner. If you like action and mystery then I think you will really like this book too. This book is an Adult or Young Adult book. If you’re a bookworm then you will really like this book because it’s hard to put down, and with all the action and suspense it leaves you thinking about what might happen next. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.


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