Leslie’s Journal by Allan Stratton | Teen Ink

Leslie’s Journal by Allan Stratton

January 25, 2023
By Tauv BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Tauv BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
¨Everyone does something for a purpose. Nobody is useless.¨

As a teenager we all go through tough things like putting our trust into the wrong person. Well this story can possibly relate to a set of problems you have currently. Leslie’s Journal, a novel written by Allan Stratton, goes over a young female named Leslie who has just started her first year of highschool. Since Stratton wrote this for their students I can infer that Stratton taught Highschool students. I suggest you read this book as a teenager because it can connect to your life. 

Leslie has a plethora of problems at hand in the beginning of this story, her Mother and Father getting a divorce, this leads to her bad communication skills with them. I can say the same about myself. It is the opposite for Katie though, Katie has been friends with Leslie for years despite her weirdo mentality. (She’s like Rowley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid) And then Jason. Jason McCarthy is an 18 year old wanting to date Leslie and she falls for him because of how (cool) he is. I honestly hate Jason because of what he tried to pull on Leslie. For example he made her drink alcohol and get drunk to the point where she passes out, he then proceeds to do explicit things with her body and also make a few videos that he has on a memory card. This leads to Leslie infiltrating his rich house to get it back and she succeeds in her plan. A few days later Jason catches her and then decides to physically harm her. 

I honestly think you should read this book because it’s about placing your trust in the wrong person. I once placed my trust in the wrong person and the outcome wasn't clean at all. I think after reading this book I can see what people will do and what they won’t do, as if a gut feeling comes over me each time I sense a bad person. As a fast and coming of age book I really liked this. By reading this you can avoid those relationships, red flags, and people overall. 

If you want to avoid mistakes in High School and stay out of trouble you need to make sure who you’re around, everyone is an enemy. Even your friends can be your enemy if they can’t prove it. If someone was an enemy and they became your friend then that’s proof of having them as an ally. You should honestly read or buy Leslie’s Journal at your public library. 

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