Paper Towns by John Green | Teen Ink

Paper Towns by John Green

August 20, 2009
By Brenna Paige McCaffrey BRONZE, Poughkeepsie, New York
Brenna Paige McCaffrey BRONZE, Poughkeepsie, New York
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Paper Towns, the new book by Printz Award-winning author John Green was released on October 16th. This is the third book by the author, following Looking for Alaska and An Abundance of Katherines.
Quentin Jacobsen has loved his neighbor, the mysterious Margo Roth Spiegelman , his entire life. Although they were casual friends throughout their childhood, Q, as he is affectionately called, now only sees Margo from a distance. Until one night during their senior year of high school, when Margo shows up at Q's window covered in black face-paint and a requesting some very eccentric items on a shopping list.
After a night of adventure through the subdivisions and theme parks of Orlando, Florida, Margo Roth Spiegelman vanishes. Paper Towns is the story of Q, his band of slightly-geeky-but-in-a-cool-way friends, and their search for the enthralling and mysterious Margo.
The central themes of this book explore philosophical issues, like how we are interconnected and how we perceive each other. It also deals with more direct and detailed themes like the debate over whether thinking about and working towards ones future is the most valuable thing, or if, as Margo quotes Dickinson, “Forever is composed of nows.”


This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 4 2012 at 9:44 pm
DreamingOutQuiet SILVER, Round Rock, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 78 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Time and the bell have buried the day,
The black cloud carries the sun away" - Elliot

Oh if life where made of moments, even now and then a bad one. Oh, if life where made of moments then we wouldn't know we had one. - Into the Woods

I love all of John Greens books, but this is my favorite. Great review: nice and concise.

on Aug. 18 2011 at 2:19 am
BeckoningLovely GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
15 articles 1 photo 106 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I think our favorite quotes say more about us than the people we are quoting," John Green

I love all of John Green's books - you captured some of the best parts of Paper Towns in a few paragraphs without any spoilers! Good job!