Sula | Teen Ink

Sula MAG

By Anonymous

     From start to finish, I was enthralled by this extremely moving novel by Toni Morrison. Sula is filled with mystery, love, rage, sex, death, friendship, racism, heartbreak and independence.

Life during the early twentieth century is recreated in an original, rich and bitter manner. In the small town of Medallion, Ohio, blacks are isolated far from whites. They are discriminated against and have trouble finding jobs. They struggle to care for their families and face danger wherever they go.

Nel and Sula go through life dealing with poverty and stress, but they are best friends and rely on each other for everything. As the years pass, Nel and Sula choose different paths and deal with the tough consequences. Nel stays put in Medallion while Sula leaves for ten years to explore the city life.

Toni Morrison begins this book with a variety of people and topics, but with her talent, she combines the topics into a suspenseful and interesting novel. She creates unique characters who are easy for readers to relate to. In my imagination, they came to life and I feel as though I know them and life in Medallion. The strongest point of Sula is the ending. All the internal conflicts are resolved in a sensational and touching way that brought a tear to my eye.

Sula left a lasting impression on me and made me wonder what people think of me. What kind of person do I want to be? Which friendships are important enough to hold on to? Is my relationship really love, or just a fling? Will death be peaceful? All these questions flew through my mind and forced me to assess my morals.

This novel is an extraordinary piece of literature, a reality check, and a book worth reading and remembering. Morrison captivates you with her mesmerizing way with words. I recommend this book to any literature lover.


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i love this !