Harmless by Dana Reinhardt | Teen Ink

Harmless by Dana Reinhardt

November 11, 2009
By Isabella Turchetta BRONZE, Pound Ridge, New York
Isabella Turchetta BRONZE, Pound Ridge, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“This is what I know about the truth: the farther you get away from it, or it gets away from you, the harder it is to tell.” (pg. 1). In Harmless, the three main characters discover that one harmless lie can grow to get them in a lot of trouble. If only the lie they told had actually been harmless. This story is based on three best friends making up a lie about where they had been one night, just to keep them out of trouble with their parents. But that one lie changes everything. Before they know it, everyone is worshipping them over what they have claimed to do in their lie. Can they go on living with the guilt of it all? Can they keep their lie a secret day after day while everyone looks at them as heroes?

Throughout Harmless, the characters learn that it is better to own up and tell the truth than to let any lie get too far. It really shows readers how important it is to always be honest, no matter how much trouble you think you are going to get in. This book reminded me of Red Kayak in the way that in both books, the characters have to live with the guilt of knowing they are lying about something major. I give Harmless a two thumbs up because it grabbed me in as the reader and kept me guessing until the very last page. The author, Dana Reinhardt, has written two other books called How to Build a House and A Brief Chapter in My Impossible Life. I recommend this realistic fiction novel to anyone who is looking for a great read, both boys and girls. Harmless will keep you interested right until the end and you will never want to put it down!


This article has 1 comment.

on May. 17 2012 at 12:38 pm
i love this book!!!!!