In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson | Teen Ink

In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson

December 17, 2009
By AndersH BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
AndersH BRONZE, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
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All aboard the plane to Australia! Or at least you will feel like it when you read this book. Bryson writes a vivid, funny book around his travels to Australia. In a Sunburned Country is a great mix of travel guide and comedy. Author Bill Bryson writes about the places he goes, the people he meets and all the events – unfortunate or not that happen to him.

Bill Bryson will take you on a tour of all the places, known and unknown, meeting interesting people, providing facts, great descriptions, and seeing incredible sights. I love the way he wrote this book and made me excited whenever I would pick it up to read, and I think other people who have read this would agree. In my opinion, In a Sunburned Country is a great book for people who like comedy and an amazing book for people who like a mix of comedy and information.

This book is informative, and seems to draw you in and make you feel as though you are in Australia. Once you pick up this book, you won’t put it down. I rate this book 10 out of 10 for its vivid description, subtle details, and overall humor. I think anyone could read this book, because it is so well written but if I had to choose, I would recommend it to kids grade five to adult.


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