Fatal Tide by Iris Johansen | Teen Ink

Fatal Tide by Iris Johansen

January 6, 2010
By kevin riley BRONZE, Hamilton, Ohio
kevin riley BRONZE, Hamilton, Ohio
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In this book review, I will be reviewing the book Fatal Tide, by Iris Johansen. Iris was born April 7, 1938. She began writing in 1983. She lives in Georgia. Fatal Tide is a suspense/thriller novel. Iris had 17 consecutive New York Times bestsellers.

Fatal Tide is a novel that takes you on a journey, to unravel a mystery. Melis Newmind is a tough, strong, and independent woman. She is haunted by a terrifying past. She will need the help of Jed Kelby, a famous explorer to stop the efforts of a sick and twisted crime lord Archer.

This book was very adventurous, it is a very suspenseful novel. It made me feel as if I was watching CSI: Miami, trying to unravel a crime. This novel really keeps your attention. Your always guessing what is going to happen next. This isn’t one of those life changing novels, but this novel is very good, and takes you for a rollercoaster ride with twists and turns. If you like suspense/thriller novels I highly suggest that you pick up a copy of this one and read it. I would strongly consider reading more novels that Iris Johansen has written and look forward to it in the future.


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