The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold | Teen Ink

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

October 5, 2009
By Dedeneli BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Dedeneli BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If God is for me who could be against me!

There are some things people know not to wish on other people, including death, torture, rap, and abuse of any kind. Imagine living through a tragic event that would change your life for ever and later writing about, and standing up for others is similar predicaments. Alice Sebold has, she fought through substance abuse, a victim of rap and being beaten close to death. Sebold is the author of an award winning novel, The Lovely Bones, which was written after Lucky, the novel based on her tragedy. The Lovely Bones is about a young girl who was rapped in killed who later lives in her to interpret life from her point of view. I view this as an outstanding start to Alice’s recovery.

Sebold’s writing style is different yet simple at the same time. She wanted to write poems but you wouldn’t be able to conclude that by reading The Lovely Bones. She makes her characters’ realistic and set the tone for people to feel sympathetic or bear strong emotions for Susie’s (the main character in the book) and her family. Susie’s life is quite similar to Sebold, even though it was written after her life story told in Lucky. They were both rapped the difference is one was killed and the other brutally beat near death. I think this helps her convey such strong emotion and passion in Lovely Bones because she could relate. Sebold keeps her alive in the book allowing Susie to tell her story in heavan. I think this was a great idea because it allowed the reader to see the growth in her as time progressed. Susie was living life in heaven while observing the life of her family and loved ones that she unwillingly left behind. She “wished swift vengeance, wanted (her) father to turn into the man he could have never been – a man violent in rage.” (pg. 58) Susie was desperate for help and she wanted to give her family some type of hint so that would find who killed her, she couldn’t bear the fact that the murder was being pinned on her first and only love. Sebold allows the reader to experience these feelings and emotions as that’s played out in the novel. Sebolds word choice, imagery, tone and diction was so precise and vivid. The emotions of love, hurt, sorrow, grief, betrays, lies and loyalty all suck out like a sore thumb in every chapter. Alice Sebold is a very talented author and I enjoy her reading style.

There are so many people in life with a story to tell that’s not necessary willing to share and relive those memories. It’s sad but things that Seybold writes about and experienced first hand, does happen everyday and I know that someone that has experienced rap, death, murder or anything as such would appreciate her willingness to express her experience with the world. I love this novel because of that. It’s true and it uncovers dark painful secrets that some people prefer to hide. This novel could help someone people to be a bit wiser or instruct their kids to trust there instincts more, there’s a lot of lessons that could be learned from this book. I encourage anyone with a heart to read it, anyone that enjoys novels based on true story to read it. I’ve learned on shouldn’t assume that their kids no the answers to everything or that no talking to strangers would be the solution to avoid their kids from being taken advantage of. Susie caved in because “the natural authority of his age and the added fact that he was a neighbor and had talked to her father” (pg 7), which caused her to trust him and obey him. I now know as parents to be very careful and never underestimate things.

Life and death is natural and expected, everyone would experience it. I think Alice Sebold is a good author and she deserves the award given.


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