-Gone- by Lisa McCann | Teen Ink

-Gone- by Lisa McCann

October 13, 2010
By MyNameIsMike BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
MyNameIsMike BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Gone Book Review
Gone, by Lisa McMann, is one of those books that you will remember a long time after reading it.

Gone is the third book in the Wake trilogy. It is about Janie, a teenager who gets sucked into other people’s dreams. This is a gift and a curse because she cannot control it. If someone is sleeping as she passes by them she falls down and is instantly in their dream. It is a good thing sometimes though as she tries to find out more about her father she uses her power to learn about him.
Janie has a rough life not only because of her power but also because of her family. Her mother is an alcoholic who just stays in her room all day. She doesn’t help at all and a lot of times gets her into trouble. Also her father which she didn’t even know was still alive is now about to die.
Another big problem that she is having to deal with on top of all that is she realizes she has to make a choice between two incredibly bad things. Being blind and crippled for the rest of her life or, living in isolation until her brain explodes! She has no way of getting out of either. She just has to choose one and it will happen to her.
Her boyfriend Cabel plays a pretty big role in this book too because she has to decide, does she want to stay with him, even though he would hate it? Or does she want to let him go and live alone?
In this book you learn how tough life can be and that you can always find something good in your life.
I would recommend this book to young adults or teenagers because it has some swear words.


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