The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein | Teen Ink

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

November 17, 2010
By emu1016 SILVER, Your Street, Pennsylvania
emu1016 SILVER, Your Street, Pennsylvania
9 articles 4 photos 5 comments

Personally, I love books that you can relate to; especially in a way you didn't know possible. The book, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein does just that. This touching story told from the point of view of a loving mutt makes the story shockingly relatable and shows the absurdities of human life to anyone who's ever loved a dog. After starting the story, I found myself drawn to the pages and feeling all the happiness and sadness along with the characters.

In the story, a man named Denny was a racecar driver trying to make it big in Nascar with his loyal dog, Enzo, always by his side. In the story, his wife Eve sadly develops a form of cancer and ends up dying leaving Denny with their young daughter Zoe. Soon after the death, Denny is faced with problems he never dreamed of having but stays strong and fights through it with Enzo by his side. You will find yourself laughing and crying along with Denny and being pulled into Enzo's surprisingly wise and different views of life.

When I read the back of the book, i was unsure whether I would like it because it supposedly was about a racecar driver which bored me. But, I couldn't have been more wrong. This was a heart-wrenching but truely inspiring story of a family's love and determination to stay together. There is no other book like this and i promise you, you will never look at your dog or life the same again.


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