The Sorceress by Michael Scott | Teen Ink

The Sorceress by Michael Scott

February 15, 2011
By Craniferous BRONZE, Washington DC, District Of Columbia
Craniferous BRONZE, Washington DC, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Never have I been so interested in a book in my life. The Sorceress by Michael Scott is a fascinating story about two teen twins discovering a world they never thought possible, even though it was just below their noses the whole time. The author combines mythology, magic, real historical figures, and modern themes into this epic story.

The two main characters in this series, named Josh and Sophie Newman, cross paths with the immortal alchemist, Nicholas Flamel. He teaches them about how magic works, and of a race of beings called the Elders. These Elders have extreme amounts of magic and were worshipped as gods by the humans. A group of the Elders, called the Dark Elders want to take the earth back from the humans and enslave them.

After having traveled all around North America, and even to Paris, Nicholas and the twins are escaping John Dee, a servant too the Dark Elders. In doing so, they are ambushed by countless mythical creatures.

Michael Scott does a fabulous job portraying all of the characters in the story. The main characters Josh and Sophie, are beaten, confused, and untrusting of Nicholas Flamel by this book. Josh becomes jealous of Sophie countless times. He even switches to the side of the Dark Elders. Nicholas Flamel is a very mysterious man. He never tells the whole truth about anything. This made him an interesting character.

This is one of the best series that I have read. It is extremely fascinating; the Elders are all based off mythological figures, such as Mars, the god of war. Each one has a personality based on his/her own legend. It will have you looking up each character on the Internet. The immortals Nicholas Flamel and John Dee are real people that lived in the 1500s and 1600s. Another immortal was William Shakespeare.

The two books before this one are The Alchemist and The Magician. These books are written to satisfy many different readers. They are filled with action, for adventure lovers. Anyone who likes history will find this series interesting, because of all the new takes at historical figures and what “really” happened in their lives. Mythology lovers will just love this book for bringing together, and explaining all the civilizations gods and figures.


This article has 1 comment.

hound54 said...
on Dec. 17 2013 at 2:21 pm
this book is the one of the best of the series.  i love the inter series sorry if my spelling qwrong