Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison | Teen Ink

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

March 8, 2011
By rocha26 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
rocha26 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In his first book Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison guides us through the life of a nameless protagonist. The nameless hero was born in the south a little bit after the time when the slaves were freed. Through out the book he suffers through many trials, but perseveres through them all. As the book goes on the main character shares his observations, and how he views the ever changing world around him. He also notices how the world views him as well.

As the main character changes from setting to setting throughout the book, he must learn to adapt and fit in with his surroundings. As he does this though, he loses piece of his identity every time. Towards the end of the book though, he realizes that people do not see him, but only notice him if he changes himself to their standards. As you read how people do not see him if he his not to their standards, you begin to understand why he is “invisible”.

I personally loved the book, and recommend it to serious readers. As you read the book you experience how life was for an African American in the pr civil right movement. Throughout the book you learn many metaphors that cause you as the reader to step back and really view the world

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