A River Runs Through it by Norman Mclain | Teen Ink

A River Runs Through it by Norman Mclain

May 19, 2011
By Colt_45 BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
Colt_45 BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Literary AnalysisThis is a featured page
In the book “The River Runs Through It” by Norman Maclean Paul Maclean is one of the main characters. He runs into trouble with the law, gambling problems, drinking problems and he is a womanizer which ultimately leads to his death. Norman goes through the whole book trying to help Paul. By asking him if he needs money

Paul will not take help but he will help Norman or others. On Page 78 Paul says“I asked for a couple of days of, so I have another day coming...” “Maybe we can get the old man to go fishing with us tomorrow.” This I think is taking trying to take Norman fishing to forget about his chaotic mess with his wife's family like her brother being there and being a nuisance to Norman.

Paul is willing to help anyone with fishing really because he knows about it. On page 84
Paul tells his dad. “ You'll get em” and all of the sudden father was confident in himself again. Then he was gone.” This is when Paul's father was feeling a little down about his aging fishing skills Paul is assuring his dad that he can still fish with the the rest of them. This is a good example of Paul showing that he is very caring.

Other people try to help Paul, or help Norman help Paul. On page 24 Norman has to go get Paul from the jail. “He's not hurt, just sick. He drinks too much. At Hot Springs, they don't drink too much.” I said to the sergeant , “ Let's go on Why is He here?” I think this is the sergeant telling Norman that Paul does have some problems and I think he might be trying to make Norman aware of it. He later goes on to say that Norman should take him fishing because that is what he does for his brother.

I believe that the overall point of this book is to help Norman figure out what what he could have done to help Paul. Just about every page Norman is talking about help. Either Paul helping someone or Norman trying to help Paul but Paul not taking it. So I think that the “Book a River Runs Through It” is all about help.


This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 14 2011 at 1:26 pm
I found nothing of use on this website and has nothing to do with what I was looking for!