Someone's Watching by David Patdnote | Teen Ink

Someone's Watching by David Patdnote

February 15, 2008
By Anonymous

I chose Someones watching by David patdnote because David patdnote writes very interesting books that I like to read. There filled with action, humor, adventure and some times valance. This book is about a kid who moves in to a house that gets burn down by someone who hates him. I've met David patdnote and he said that he was making a new book. The people I think that will like this book is 4th grade and up. If you are looking for a book that has mysteries and valance then you chose the wrong book just kidding then you chose the correct book it's a really good book to read. And after a few pages then it really gets good. If you want to know more then you're going to read the book."This will certify that the above work is completely original."


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