Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot | Teen Ink

Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot

March 9, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I have been a fan of Meg Cabot's writing since I was a preteen reading her “Princess Diaries” series, but now that I am so much older (well, five years older), I can say without a doubt that Meg Cabot's new adult fiction spree is well worth reading.

My favorite of the five or six books is Boy Meets Girl. This book tells the story of Kathleen Mackenzie, a twenty-five year old human resources representative at the New York Journal. Kate is sick and tired of dodging calls from her ex-boyfriend Dale, and sleeping on her friend Jen's couch because she can't afford a nice place in the city.

The story begins with Kate's formidably icy blonde boss, Amy Jenkins, ordering Kate to fire one of the most popular employees at the Journal: Ida Lopez, who single-handedly mans the dessert cart in the senior staff dining room, because she refused Amy's fiancée, Stuart Hertzog, a piece of key lime pie. After being fired, Ida decides to sue the Journal for wrongful termination and Kate is dragged into the whole mess, because she is the one who did the firing. Little does Kate know that Stuart's defense attorney is none other than “cute, wheelchair-basketball playing” Mitchell Hertzog, Stuart's brother.

This tangled web of interrelations between all of the characters makes for a tantalizing and engrossing read. I highly recommend this book to any or all females who are either already Meg Cabot fans, or who love that genre of books that satisfies all of us girly-girls: chick lit.

"This will certify that the above work is completely original."

~ Danica Krenson


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