Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare | Teen Ink

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

April 7, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

This story is about Romeo and Juliet and Romeo is extremely in love with this girl called Juliet. Juliet is extremely in love with this boy called Romeo. However Juliet's parents are actually against Juliet getting married to Romeo. In the end they, Juliet and Romeo, kill each other all because of love. This story was written by William Shakespeare; he lived and wrote near towards the end of the European history known as the renaissance. William Shakespeare has a theater called the globe theater, which was built in 1599 in a small town outside London called Southwark. To me, I think the play Romeo and Juliet is a crazy and funny play. The play is a good and in a way, but at the same time it is also stupid. Two wonderful people just kill themselves all because of love. That is just crazy so radical. The plot of the story was perfect.

There is an event in the book that has to do with Juliet knowing that Paris wants to ask for her hand in marriage .So, Lady Capulet tells Juliet that she wants to see her and then the nurse goes to get Juliet. The three of them start talking about how good a person Paris is, and then the nurse starts talking about how good a wife Juliet will be to Paris.

This story is a great story because it is all about love and passion, which is actually the key to life; because of you do not love one another, nothing will actually go well. There will be so much commotion in the world. There is killing and stuff. So, I think this book really brings a lot to life I would recommend this book to anybody because it teaches you a lot. If you have not read this book you are missing a lot because this book is special, and brings a lot to life. It is such a meaningful book.


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