The Demonata | Teen Ink

The Demonata

July 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Spine chilling, nerver racking sensation, should be the title for this horror filled book.'Lord Loss' by Darren Shan, Is the first book in the Demonata series Just by the cover it sends chills. Grubbs Grady is just a normal boy living his life to full extent. By making His older sisters life like hell.(Best trick ever to rub rat guts in your sisters bath towl) That one day, was a glorious day of his life, but something felt wrong with the family. Its was a sick joke yes but there was no harsh punishment? Later that night Sis in the first time in her life was being nice? To me?! I never thought this life could get any werider. Till the horror, of sheded blood filled my parents room. that night changed everything I ever believed in. Sick deformed creatures were shreding the limbs of my parents like smoked bacon. Eating them. The rest you can read later, I'm not sharing those nightmare face of those things! As Grubbs moves in with the only family he's got left in the countryside His uncle, rich and not powerful but he knew what he was doing. (Chess was also the family game we all learned) Making only one friend, who turned out to be a werewolf trying to eat him. And facing the Dark lord himself.How else can you defeat a dark lord then by playing a game of chess? You can't get anymore gore then flying blood, slow motion action fighting, best friend-flesh eating werewolf then this. this book I'd recommend to all horror gore fans!

The author's comments:
Darren Shan is my favorite horror/gore author that I'd like other people to get a taste of. He was my inperation to write this review, to know I'm one of his fans!

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