Search and Destroy by Dean Hughes | Teen Ink

Search and Destroy by Dean Hughes

November 29, 2011
By MorganFreeman BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
MorganFreeman BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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When was the last time a book made you think? Think about being in the dense, dark jungle in the dead of night? Think about being chased by a Platoon of enemy troops? In Dean Hughes, Search and Destroy, you will. This is a story of a confused high school grad, as he joins the military as a way of finding himself. As he journeys to Vietnam to fight a winless war, he meets a man named Kent Richards from Franklin, Idaho. Kent teaches Rick that the war isn’t all that it seems. He tells Rick that being kind and to others will be the only way to be truly happy. Suddenly, Rick is caught in a dangerous situation. Was it really a good idea to go Vietnam? Should he just have stayed home in the states? But even in a friends time of need, will he be able to pull through? Because, in NAM’, no one is safe.

In my opioin, Dean Hughe’s, Search and Destroy, is the best book ever written. Hughes did an amazing job describing the hot, humid environment of the battlefield of the country of Vietnam. He did a great job of describing the battles fought between Rick’s Charlie Rangers and the Vietnamese soldiers. I couldn’t put the book done once I started reading. The way Hughes organized and executed the plot of this story was Morgen Freemen like. I recommend this book for ages 12+ who like war novels, because it is little graphic. This book will keep you glued to the pages untill you finally hit the end. As soon as you finish reading this review, you should go read this book.


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