The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson | Teen Ink

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson MAG

January 23, 2012
By Joe Keller BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
Joe Keller BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lisbeth Salander is one of Sweden's socially unacceptable citizens. She has been in and out of psychiatrists' care and foster homes, there are tattoos and piercings all over her body, she never finished high school, and she has a police record. However, she is a talented hacker and a near genius – and a good character for a thriller.

This book is about the missing niece of one of Sweden's most distinguished millionaires, Henrik Vanger. The mystery of her disappearance has remained unsolved for almost 40 years and Vanger wants one last chance to discover what happened. He asks Mikael Blomkvist, a disgraced reporter, to help. In a weird tangle of events, Salander and Blomkvist end up working together. That combo creates a suspenseful and exciting plot.

I really like Larsson's style. He has no boundaries when it comes to language. That said, the business parts of the book can get a bit confusing. This book is definitely targeted for an adult audience.

This novel didn't grab me in every aspect, although I really liked the suspenseful buildup to the end. The resolution was kind of lame, in my view, and the antagonist could probably have been identified from the beginning. This is a good book just shy of great. I'm really interested in the sequels and look forward to seeing the movie.


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