Catching Fire Book review | Teen Ink

Catching Fire Book review

January 27, 2012
By Thehungergames BRONZE, Paintsville, Kentucky
Thehungergames BRONZE, Paintsville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love can conquer all.

Book title and author: Catching Fire By: Collins, Suzanne
Title of review: Catching Fire Book review
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4
Collins kept up the amazing pace in book two. She wastes no time putting Katniss in another impossible situation.

The plot may change but there are similar elements between this one and Hunger Games. We are introduced to another round of unique characters, each seen through Katniss' eyes. The Hunger Games have changed her psychologically and emotionally and we can see this throughout. Katniss, Peeta, and other survivors of previous games encounter their most challenging task yet. This one is not like the first it involves trust, lying, love, passion, and a problem rises to its breaking point. Also ideas about the mysterious district 13 come to the groups attention.

This book is one of the best head spinning books that I've ever read. This book is carefully written to where one part in the story is bonded to the next so strongly that without out it then the story would completely change. In this story you have to pay close attention or you'll miss the foreshadowing that takes place with every twist and turn in the riveting plot.

` There were times I found the book predictable. However, the story was strong enough that it didn't bother me one bit. On the other hand there were more instances when I had no idea what to expect. A perfect balance, but still great nonetheless.

Collins gives the reader more details about the crazy land called The Capitol. More insight into how the government works and the reasoning behind the decisions they make. The story was strong and unpredictable. It's only the second out of an amazing trilogy. It truly is a great tale I personally give it five out of five stars.


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