True sight by David Stahler Jr | Teen Ink

True sight by David Stahler Jr

February 24, 2012
By Anonymous

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if everybody including you were blind? Well that’s where this story takes place. Jacob was born blind, but at the age of 13 everything changed.

It all started in another planet, where everybody was blind. Jacob, who was born blind, started getting these painful headaches and within those headaches he starts to regain his vision little by little. At first he didn’t know what was happening to him because everything was so blurry and he wasn’t used to it, until he found out that he could see.

He liked being able to see, he saw things that he never saw before in his whole entire life. He couldn’t tell anyone because they had the council who had the idea to make everybody blind for some discipline. So he had to keep it a secret or if someone knows and tells the council that he could see, his vision would have to be taken away.

This book will grab your attention, it will shock you in the most exciting parts, that you wouldn’t want to stop reading. In the beginning it starts out kind of dull, but as you keep on reading, it’s so interesting that you would want to read the sequel to the book.

Reading this book made me realize that being blind isn’t just having no vision, it made me believe that you could do anything no matter what condition you are in. whether your blind, deaf or just have a severe condition, you could still do things that other people can do.

One of my favorite parts and most intense parts were at the end, but you have to read the book to figure out what happens!


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