Thieves Like Us by Stephen Cole | Teen Ink

Thieves Like Us by Stephen Cole

November 20, 2007
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Thieves like us was a great book. When I read it I wanted to keep reading. It has a lot of action. The first part talked about the main characters, the plot, and the background information. The book had a few parts that I don't think that the book would be a book that a girl would want to read. There were a few minor parts that I don't think a girl would want to read. There were some parts that were long and they didn't talk about anything that was important.
The first mission they went on they found snakes. I liked that part because they got scared and they got hurt. When they were done then they had some few minor problems when the book started out you will figure out that they are trying to find out the secret to eternal life! They had a few encounters with people that was cool. Some of the parts in the book were really boring.
The overall rating that I would give this book would be excellent. I thought it was good because I don't like to read, and it kept my attention through most of the book.
The characters included Jonah a brilliant computer hacker, Tye, who is good at detecting a lie, con, who is good at mesmerizing, patch, a one eyed locksmith, coldhardt, the “father” , Samaraj, the other person looking for the secret, and all of the people that are working for her.


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