The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson | Teen Ink

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

May 11, 2012
By Aisha01 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Aisha01 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
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The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co. (BYR) (April 29, 2008)
ISBN-10: 0805076689
ISBN-13: 978-0805076684
Paperback: $8.99

Who is Jenna Fox?

How far will someone go to save their child? Does saving a life justify defying ethics? What is morally right and wrong? Mary E. Pearson’s The Adoration of Jenna Fox is an intriguing young adult science fiction novel with themes rooted in philosophical debates.

The story begins when Jenna Fox has awoken from a year-long coma and has no recollection of who she was. To aid Jenna in remembering her life, her parents give her movies that provide the details of when she was born to the age of sixteen - thousands of CD’s filmed in adoration of Jenna fox.

Slowly she heals and she realizes that secrets are being kept from her, about her. Hushed words spoken behind closed doors, the people in her past have disappeared. The only source of information is her parents and her grandmother is mad at her for no apparent reason. Her parents have moved her from Boston to California. Is it to protect her from those that were involved with the accident? Or are there other reasons? The only survivor of the accident was Jenna? Why? Who is Jenna Fox? Eventually secrets and mysteries that surround her life slowly unravel. “Where we are going, I don't know. It doesn't seem to be the place that is important but the steps in between.” Read the book to find out what happens in Jenna’s quest for self discovery.

I really enjoyed The Adoration of Jenna Fox because it is a beautifully written story just like other books by Pearson. Mary E. Pearson is the author of several award winning books for teens, including The Miles Between, The Adoration of Jenna Fox, and A Room on Lorelei Street. She is from Southern California and writes full time from her home in Carlsbad, California where she lives with her family. Her awards and honors include the Golden Kite Award, ALA Best Books for Young Adults, the Andre Norton Honor, and The South Carolina Young Adult Book Award. Her newest novel, The Fox Inheritance, is the second book of The Jenna Fox Chronicles.

The original storyline and vivid, engaging details in The Adoration of Jenna Fox hold the reader till the end. The story is told through Jenna’s eyes, making her experience vivid. The narrator's hopes, fears, and observing eye give us insight into the life of a girl who has awoken to find that she is not who she used to be. With a stark contrast between the world of today and the world of the not so distant future, the reader becomes a part of Jenna's life as she struggles to adjust. The themes of love, guilt, fear, mortality, dark, and light are all spun into this powerful and moving novel. I highly recommend this thought provoking read.


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