Eat,Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert | Teen Ink

Eat,Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

June 4, 2012
By Anonymous

Elizabeth Gilbert entertainingly writes about her personal account of rising from a downfall in life. Like a runaway teen, she gives up everything in search for 3 things across the world.These things are set in the backdrop of 3 countries: Italy,India and Indonesia. The book is divided in 3 parts for that matter and takes the resemblance of an Indian japa mala by having 108 "verbal" beads or short chapters.

From Liz's dramatic bawling over her devastating divorce followed by depression to her hesitation towards her immediate boyfriend, David, this travel memoir does not shy away from the slightest of demeanor. Readers might just laugh away at Gilbert's ridiculous remarks, credited to her ability to humor with her bubbly "voice." She can sometimes appear narcissistic and annoying at times along with the book being far-fetched, but her "voice" seems so entertaining,it might just leave readers in hesitation on whether or not to continue. Liz's travels shows her uphill battle and revelations since spiritual insight is explored along with the search for contentment and true identity.

The first part of the book is about Italy, the place where Liz find pleasure.Not from sex which is mentioned to be the word for Rome, but from the beautiful Italian language which Liz grows fond of; the Italian delicacies found in every street corner and the breathtaking Italian architecture. Liz is a lost tourist, but manages to befriend interesting characters, something she's able to do throughout her travels. Then, she goes to India, the second part of the book.In contrast to Italy, India's beauty seems reserved in her stay at the Ashram(spiritual hermitage) rather than the streets which is strewn with poverty. Liz has a spiritual revelation by doing yoga and prayer. There are funny moments in this like when she gets carried away and hugs a tree just for the heck of it.Finally, she ends her travels in Indonesia, the last part of the book. She stays in Bali, the island deemed as the "Island of the Gods." She lives and learns more yoga from a famous medicine man who predicted just that, a couple of years back.Life-changing events happen to her here and she soon realizes that she truly found peace, contentment and balance in her life.

Don't be surprised, there is more to the book. It's a book about Gilbert,a type of author that some might want to personally chat with over a cup of tea.Her book is one that is yet to be explored by many who haven't. It is unlike any I've ever read before. Like Gilbert with her life revelation, readers may also have some sort of revelation after consuming this. Be ready to laugh, cry, grunt and smile.

The author's comments:
The review tries to discuss the themes, writing style and plot of the book without giving away any spoilers.


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