Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen | Teen Ink

Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen

September 26, 2012
By Rose Neumeyer BRONZE, Arroyo Grande, California
Rose Neumeyer BRONZE, Arroyo Grande, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bookreview: “Someone Like You” by Sarah Dessen

Sarah Dessen is known for her simple but also poetry-like writing which reaches nearly every teenagerheart; and also with this book she proved evidence of being the favorite author of so many people, including me, and created another precious story about the power of friendship, how to deal with life fates and familyconflicts, which ordinary teenagers have to get through. Scarlett and Halley are two girls who are best friends and couldn’t be more different. Scarletts boyfriend dies in an motorcycle accident after she gets pregnant from him and Halley has to stand up for her and help her making the right decisions and not to lose hope while she is dealing with her own problems with her family and friends. Even though it is a dramatic plot, is the story fun to read, with humor at the right times, and easy comprehensible. I especially liked how they both knew exactly what is good for the other one; they didn’t wasted time of being polite and nice but knew each other good enough to speak what they thought, to curse and be rude sometimes because that is what friends really do in real life and not like for example Edward and Bella who promised their love again and again. I recommend this book to everyone who wants to read something “in between”, because even though it isn’t very famous or thick, it includes amazing feelings which do even some biggest classics not do.


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