Keystone Kids by John R. Tunis | Teen Ink

Keystone Kids by John R. Tunis

March 17, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

John R. Tunis writes this fictional novel, Keystone Kids, about two brothers, Spike and Bob Russell who play baseball together. Spike plays as the shortstop and Bob plays as a 2nd baseman. They are so effective in the field because of their quick double play domination. When the boys are offered to go up to the next level of ball, their popularity will go up and skill, salary, etc. The brothers try not to get traded but who will perform better is the question. As the brothers go through prejudice, trades, errors, the papers, salary, injuries, statistics, and behavior, Mr. Tunis will keep your nose in the book the whole time. As the brothers reach to the top of the best baseball players to ever step foot on the diamond, they will have to get along and stay on task.

This book is recommended for kids, and adults who love sports. Other books written by John Tunis are Rookie-of-the-Year, World Series, and Champion's Choice. Keystone Kids teaches about racial tolerance, sportsmanship, and friendship.

Mr. Tunis wrote this book in 1943. After dieing in 1975 his wife renewed his books. Mr. Tunis wrote books after playing college ball at Harvard and serving in World War I.


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