Pop . by Gordan Korman | Teen Ink

Pop . by Gordan Korman

October 4, 2012
By caderade49 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
caderade49 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The story “Pop” by Gordon Korman is a great book full of conflict that you can't put down. Pop is a story about Marcus, A boy who just moved to a new town in Kansas. The new town has a great football team that went undefeated the year before and they are looking to add on. Troy is their quarter back and everyone looks up to him. Marcus wants to give troy a run for his money at quarter back this upcoming year. And to add on Marcus likes this girl named Allysa, Troys old girlfriend. Also Marcus meets this old guy named Carlie at the park and he is pretty weird, they practice together almost every day though. Again pop is a very heartfelt and has lots of conflict and action.


This article has 1 comment.

njrineheart said...
on May. 5 2014 at 2:04 am
  Gordon Korman’s Pop was a very easy read.  Written for football savvy boys in the 7th to 10th grade about a boy, Pop will resonate with teen boys who are on the gridiron on Friday nights under the lights.  For someone who has never had any prior knowledge of football, it could be a little difficult to understand.  It is your typical new kid in town high school drama type book.  But during all his high school drama there are many twists along the way. However, some of this drama was a little much.  A high school that had an undefeated season their previous year and is looking to repeat it.  Marcus Jordan, the protagonist, meets an Ex- NFL player, Charlie Popovich “The King of Pop” at the same park everyday.  Charlie helps Marcus over come his challenges and become the best athlete he can be to become accepted by his new teammates and the starting QB.  Little does Marcus know, Charlie is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, which causes some drama later on in the novel.  It shows the reality of what the game of football can potentially do to a player, and my family has experienced that first hand.  My uncle had a traumatic brain injury playing college football and suffered a stroke. From that I felt that I connected with this book more than most people would do.  However, some scenes are not realistic whatsoever.  Charlie is a beloved man in the town and every clerk or storeowner just laughs it off when Charlie walks out of the store with merchandise it his arms.  If I were a storeowner I would be pretty ticked off. Korman is indeed a veteran young adult author.  This book really shows what he can, and it shows how much action and suspense he can cram into 260 pages.