Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert | Teen Ink

Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

November 29, 2012
By Diana Ramirez BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
Diana Ramirez BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eat Pray Love

The novel Eat, Pray, Love is an amazing story that revolves around Elizabeth (Liz) Gilbert the author of the novel. At first I did not think that I was going to like the whole concept, and I was surprised that I could not put it down. The main idea of this book is about a woman that is trying to rediscover herself and connect with God in her own way. Liz goes on a one year trip to find the things that her life was missing.
Elizabeth Gilbert went to through a very rough divorce on which she does not give specific details on. Liz decided that she did not want to be married anymore; she just didn’t share the same goals and dreams her husband had. Liz wanted to discover new things, new foods, a new language, a new way to connect with God, a maybe a new love. Liz did all these things throughout her long journey.
This journey was all done in three different books; Eat: in Italy, Pray: in India, and Love: in Indonesia. These were three different journeys that Liz went through. She went to Italy to eat, all new foods and she didn’t even care how much weight she would gain. In Italy she had the best pizza ever, and she also learned to speak Italian, one of her main purposes. While Liz in India she goes there to pray. The forms that she uses to get closer to God is with meditation and yoga. These forms of spirituality help her find peace within her worst enemy; herself. Finally her journey ends in Indonesia where she finds love, but I’m not going to give that away.
This book was great Elizabeth Gilbert knows to which point not to let readers into her personal life and this is something that I really respect. For me the first chapter is just very interesting; I would recommend this to anyone, but mostly women. I did not connect to this book like older women would because I have never been married so it’s difficult to understand what kind of phase a woman goes though at that moment of her life. The whole concept was great and in my opinion her trip to Italy was the best because I love food, and throughout that book she gives amazing descriptions on the food that she is eating there. Overall the book is just great and I would recommend reading it first before watching the movie.

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