The secret to Teen Power by Paul Harrington | Teen Ink

The secret to Teen Power by Paul Harrington

December 13, 2012
By angelica enriquez BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
angelica enriquez BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The book The Secret to Teen Power by Paul Harrington has inspired many people, especially teenagers. It helps them live life a different way. The author explains about relationships, friendships, school work, self-esteem and more. The Secret is the knowledge of the law of attraction which means whatever you think about or want, you can attract into your life. If you are a very negative person and desire bad for others, then you will only receive negative situations.
Three main steps to follow are to ask, believe, and receive because these are the actions to the law of attraction. What that means is that when you ask, you ask for what you want just like on where you order specifically what you desire. When you believe, you have to believe that you are getting what you asked for because you allow like to attract like. Finally, when you receive, you have to imagine exactly how you will feel when you actually receive what you have been wanting. To break that all down, you ask, and believe via your thoughts. But you receive through your actions (pg.46)
The Secret provides many different and real life experiences. They all have something in common and it is that their lives have changed thanks to The Secret. They explain the process of how they were not satisfied with the way they were living. Once they read the book they followed the steps of ask, believe and receive. After following those three steps their lives changed in a few months. It also provides different inspirational quotes from different authors. Both the stories and quotes inspire you, and make you to want to change your life the way you want and desire. It is not a hard progress, as long as you have faith and believe.
I enjoyed reading this book and I would recommend it to everyone, especially to those who want to change their lives. If the steps are followed as said, it is proven by people that you will receive what you have asked for. Always be positive and positive situations will come your way. This book has been read by millions of people and it has really inspired them including me. It is far out one of the best books I have read.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this review was that the book was great and I would recommend it to anyone. This book really inspired me and I am sure it will inspire anyone who read it.


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