One Child by Torey Hayden | Teen Ink

One Child by Torey Hayden

February 8, 2013
By madihayameen PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
madihayameen PLATINUM, Karachi, Other
37 articles 0 photos 7 comments

If you ask me for a book full of love, fear, devotion, betrayal, passion and compassion with a tinge of lovelorn feelings and a handful of misunderstandings, One Child and A Tiger’s Child (the sequel) by Torey Hayden are the books which will hook a teen to the end.
It is based on real set of events. The author is a therapist, child psychologist, special education teacher, university lecturer and writer of non-fiction books based on her real-life experiences with teaching and counseling children with special needs.
This love is very different and pure. The story is not about the affection between a father and a son or a mother and a daughter. Neither between two siblings or friends. This love is pure and rare, it’s between a teacher and a student.
Torey (the author), the therapist, teaches disable children. Then, a violent six-year-old Sheila come across her. Sheila is past is no better than her present. Her mom deserted her 4-year-old self on a highway and took 2-year-old Jimmie, her brother, and never came back. Sheila attempted to burn an infant. She lives with her drinker dad. Even
Sheila’s police record aint no good.
Torey reaches out to help her, to get her out of darkness, to make her understand the ways of this unfair, cruel world. Despite her being violent she’s a very intelligent girl, having an IQ of 180, she’s smarter than any child her age, but don’t matter to her. All she needs is someone she can love and who love her back. Some sympathy, kindness and affection in her life.
As Torey and Sheila battle their way to happiness together, they come across many hurdles. But the strong-willed Torey won’t let any think to stop her from rescuing Sheila.
Its highly recommended!

The author's comments:
Love it! So touching!


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