Boundless (Unearthly #3) by Cynthia Hand | Teen Ink

Boundless (Unearthly #3) by Cynthia Hand

March 6, 2013
By DorindaChambers SILVER, Saint Joseph, Missouri
DorindaChambers SILVER, Saint Joseph, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be who you are and say what you feel! because those who mind don't matter, & those who do matter; don't mind :) - Dr. Seuss

The main character that is a part-angel name Clara Gardner has been through the good and the bad, from the first love she had to a loss of a love one. When Clara discovers that she now plays the role of a Angel-Blood, she now has to protect a boy name Tucker Avery from an evil fallen angel that had attacked her and now follows her every move. She decides to get away and head to California to get away from all the trouble. With the battle still following her, she must fulfill her destiny but she’ll have to give up some sacrifices and betrayal along the way.

The author's comments:
I'm expecting that book worms would be wanting to read this book for something with a good mystery/thriller.


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