Chomp by Carl Hiaasen | Teen Ink

Chomp by Carl Hiaasen

April 23, 2013
By Ldude BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
Ldude BRONZE, Rolla, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Carl Hiaasen has done it again with his newest title Chomp! Like his others, this book focuses on environmental themes, as well as other problems that the main character is facing, like in this story, Wahoo and his family are struggling to make ends meet.

Wahoo Cray lives in Florida with his Dad. His home is practically a zoo, since his father, Mickey, is a professional animal wrangler. One day, a TV crew came to make their latest episode of Expedition Survival on the Everglades. They are in need of an animal wrangler and an alligator. Knowing that they need the money, Wahoo and Mickey take the job. After the filming of the alligator scene, Wahoo and Mickey are invited to join the TV crew on their trip to the Everglades.

Wahoo and Mickey head to Walmart to prepare for the trip. They meet a girl named Tuna, who is trying to escape her abusive, alcoholic father. Mickey decides to let her come with them. And then, the story begins.

I rated this book a ten. I thought that the visuals were great. You could really see the water of the Everglades. And you could really see the TV woman freaking and shooting a gun. This book moved at a perfect pace for its genre. The pace allowed you to appreciate the sensory description like feeling the wind against your face while you ride an airboat on the Everglades.

The great thing about this title is that it has an epilogue, so you can know how things worked out for all of the characters in the book. I loved this book, and I think that you will to. Read Chomp.


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