Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah | Teen Ink

Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah

May 14, 2013
By KateDawg8 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
KateDawg8 BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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"We'll be best friends forever okay?" Kate promises her life long best friend Tully. The book Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah describes what true friendship is, the good and the bad.
At 14 years old, Kate Mularkey's closest friend was her mother, until one day she met her new neighbor Tully Hart. The two were best friends almost instantly. Together, they spent an entire summer sneaking out to ride their bikes and share secrets with each other. The girls grew closer and closer, and then one day, Tully was taken away and their only communication was sending letters.
I really enjoyed this book, because it displayed both sides of a friendship. The thoughts of both girls were expressed when they were angry, elated, and depressed, this book didn't hide anything about their friendship. It shows that true friend will always be there, no matter what is going on in their lives.
Kristin Hannah wrote the dialogue for this book with great knowledge. Every line flows together smoothly, making the reader understand what is happening with each turn of a page. Other parts of this book were choppy and hard to follow at times, but I believe the author made it this way the represent the friendship between Tully and Kate.
I recommend this book to anyone that has been in a tough friendship or situation before, because it is reassuring to know that it can happen to everyone. This book guided me to be more supportive of my friends and to be there for them when they need me most.
Kristin Hannah wrote this book in dedication to her mother who passed away after she was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer. This cancer doesn't cause women to have lumps, but instead they may form a rash that stays for a long time. Hannah used her book Firefly Lane to inform women of this unusual cancer.
In the end, their rough patches had been smoothed out, and their friendship was stronger than ever before. They had kept their promise to each other, best friends forever.

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