Breaking Dawn | Teen Ink

Breaking Dawn

September 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Plot: “Life sucks, and then you die. Yeah, I should be so lucky” (Meyer 143). Bella Cullen finally has her dream man, the love of her life. After the honeymoon the strange and unexpected phenomenons paint an interesting plot line. Her life twists down a horrific path. Will Bella never get her happily ever after?

Name: Bella Cullen

Description: Human-rosy cheeks, beautiful dark brown eyes, brunette hair
Vampire-pale-ish skin, beautiful beyond compare, crimson eyes (later turn golden brown), long brown hair

Age: forever 18

Personality: loving, strong, protective, easily embarrassed, low self-esteem, determined, love-struck

Conflict: Bella’s life finally seems to be a picture of perfection—until it takes a turn for the worst. She has to do everything in her power to protect her family. Will her newborn powers be strong enough to save the lives of those she loves?

If you have been reading Stephenie Meyer’s vampire series, I strongly recommend Breaking Dawn. Her writing is so alive; everything jumps off the page into reality. It also has you turning pages all the way to the breath taking ending. I love how she keeps you suspended, holding your breath with every moment of action. So grab a blanket, get cozy and start reading because I give this book two thumbs way up!


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