noneee in nonneee | Teen Ink

noneee in nonneee

August 1, 2013
By Anonymous

When authors write, they use several different themes. Themes are used in the story to give a lesson, and to have meaning through the story to the reader that can revert to real life things. Themes branch out from love to hate, innocence to guilty, heroism to triumph. The different themes are used to make the story, play or poem. In to kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee, good vs. evil is one of the main themes that is used to create the novel.

In news today, many people are face with good and evil everyday, not nessarily confrontations but even decision making. Current news show a women wrote a book on her life after shed watched her mother be killed by her father, and how she over comed that, and had made her life bigger and better. The reporter that had interviewed her said that “She's gracious, well-mannered and betrays few emotions. It's as though she poured them all into her book.”. She also stated that “She has seen a lot in her years of covering crime, even in this out-of-the-way place.”. Someone who lived with such evil, found the good in her life and over came the bad.

Current events of being convicted of something you never did is very common now these days. Some people are put into jail for things they never did, and years later are proven to be not guilty because of new evidence that is discovered. A man was found convicted of murder in New Jersey 12 years ago and was just found not guilty due to new evidence brought to a retrial just last year. He was finally let go, but even after being accused of something he did not do, being in prison so long made an impact on his life.

In general life there is a good versus evil. Dealing with life making decisions, some people are good people and some people are straight not good to be around others. Examples of life making decisions, drugs and alchoal. You have a choice to do those things, and to not do them. By choosing to use those, it can set up a bad path for your life. Also, people in society see things different as the next person, things like murder, rape, and cheating, lying and stealing are what they see as to not right at all. But to some people, they have a different mindset to see that its okay for them to do, when in the reality it isn’t.
The different themes authors use to complete their story are crucial. In To Kill A MockingBird, Harper Lee uses many themes, extending to innocence of youth, courage, and she also includes good versus evil. Good versus evil is found all over the world, but not said as directly to be goods versus evil, you have to read between the lines and see things in a different perspective.


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