The Red Pony by John Steinbeck | Teen Ink

The Red Pony by John Steinbeck

November 22, 2013
By CHEVY_TRUCKS_72 BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
CHEVY_TRUCKS_72 BRONZE, Bluefield, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Book Review
Book title and author: the title of the book is The Red Pony, and the author is John Steinbeck
Title of review: “Is The Red Pony a Hero or Zero?”
Number of stars (1 to 5): 5

The story I am reviewing is The Red pony by John Steinbeck. I thought the story “The Red Pony” was an amazing story in one sense, but not so amazing in another. It had good description, but too much detail in some areas of the story, like when Billy chews the sack off of the colt. It was also very easy to visualize everything. It was interesting because it showed real world problems. There are also many characters consisting of Billy Buck Ranch Hand, Carl Tifflin Father of Jody Tifflin, Ruth Tifflin Jody’s mother, and Gitano, a native who was born on The Tifflin’s land.
Description and summary of content
The story is set on a ranch in California. Throughout the story I have noticed that Carl Tifflin seems to be a very rude guy, and throughout the story, Billy and Carl have many arguments over the way Carl is toward Jody. Really the story tells you about a circle of life and death. The story’s main purpose seems to be about a boy wanting a pony, the pony dies, the boy works hard to get dad to breed with neighbors, mare dies when the colt is born. This is crucial to the plot of the story.
I fell that the story was a pretty good story. I’m not much for reading, but I could really get in to this fantastic American novel. I would recommend it to anyone, because it has a great plot, shows real world problems, and has a very well description.
In conclusion, the story is a very good story, and anyone who enjoys reading, or likes sad stories that turn better in the end, would love this American classic novel. It is very descriptive, in some ways too descriptive, but all in all is a great story.


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