The Limit by Kristen Landon | Teen Ink

The Limit by Kristen Landon

January 10, 2014
By -Absolution- BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
-Absolution- BRONZE, Castro Valley, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The Limit by Kristen Landon
Kristen Landon’s The Limit is a novel dripping with suspense that was published in September 2010 and has since been nominated for several awards. Set in a near-future dystopia, this thriller is complete with suspicious occurrences and seeming romantic developments that fully immerses the reader in the action. Throughout the novel, things only get eerier and eerier for our protagonist Matt.
Matt is a genius that has been taken to a workhouse, as part of a disciplinary action imposed on his parents for exceeding the debt limit set in place by the government. This would have been normal in many instances, but for thirteen-year-old Matt, this is completely life-altering. There had recently been an eighth grader taken, which surprised everyone who had thought the government did not take kids at such a young age. Obviously, they were mistaken.
The events in this story unfold to become an excellently crafted story with an outrageously suspenseful plot based on an extremely creative figment of Kristen Landon’s imagination. A normal trip to the store winds up getting a normal teenager stuck in an abnormal workhouse. The seemingly misshapen incidents that occur as Matt works to pay off his family’s debt lead to shocking discoveries when he decides to hack into the workhouse’s system. When he ultimately uncovers the truth about the workhouse, his floormates, and his new friends, he must do what he can to prevent it all from destroying his life and family. The war between abnormality and the norm engages, in this captivating novel about a family that is forced to give their son to the government. Read about this and more in The Limit, by Kristen Landon.

The author's comments:
I hope that by reading my take on The Limit by Kristen Landon, anyone who is at all interested will not hesitate to read it. So go on, and immerse yourself in this novel of awesomeness!


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