The Legend of Luke by Brian Jacques | Teen Ink

The Legend of Luke by Brian Jacques

March 14, 2014
By Martin Salce BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Martin Salce BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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The Legend of Luke by Brian Jacques

Brian Jacques, a perspicacious author, enlightens the reader with a cathartic fantasy. Throughout The Legend of Luke, the reader is able to connect with every character. Every twist in the book will leave the reader hoping nothing devastating occurs. First published on January 10th, 1999, Brian Jacques masterfully wrote the twelfth book of the Redwall epic. Brian Jacques has the ability to do something that many other authors can not, connect with the reader. Truly, without this insightful author, The Legend of Luke would not have been as inspiring as it was.
The Legend of Luke not only includes phenomenal characters, but an emotionally filled plot. The story takes place before the completion of Redwall, a safe haven for any animal. Trimp, a munificent hedgehog, arrives at Redwall and sings Martin, an impulsive warrior, a song that reminds him of his father and his dreary childhood. Martin impetuously embarks on a journey to find out what occurred to Luke the warrior, his father. Martin leaves for an entire year and is accompanied by several other animals. Throughout this journey, Martin and his friends face challenges that none of them could have overcame without each other. Surely, Brian Jacques tried to tell us that friendship is important when facing obstacles that one can not overcome.
As the story reaches its climax, Martin finds out what happened to his father which causes huge changes in the personality of the characters. Not only did I love the characters, but I connected to them and related my experiences to theirs. The characters inspired me to read the book to the end and I loved the parts in which the characters developed and changed their personality and attitudes. Although the plot of the story was creative, the characters had an enormous impact on why I decided to keep reading this book. When “ Luke was… fighting his way up through waves of pain [and] the black squirrel… [dealt] out death and fearsome wounds,” I could not wait to find out what would happen next(286). The author created situations in which the characters changed and this kept me entertained when the story was in its resolution.
Brian Jacques does an exceptional job in creating characters and a plot that benefit each other. The situations that the characters face are so perfectly described that you would feel yourself within the story. Brian Jacques perfectly creates the background that would lead to the next book of the Redwall epic.

The author's comments:
The characters had a lot of meaning behind them. I truly think that Brian Jacques used the characters to drive the plot of the story.

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