The Barking Ghost by R.L. Stine | Teen Ink

The Barking Ghost by R.L. Stine

April 3, 2014
By Douglas Clark BRONZE, Moundsville, West Virginia
Douglas Clark BRONZE, Moundsville, West Virginia
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Book Review for the “Barking Ghost.”

The book “The Barking Ghost” is a book I read a while ago but for some weird reason I still remember it. This book is about a kid named Cooper who is scared of his own shadow. But when he moves out of Boston to his new home in the middle of nowhere the nightmare began on the first night. My personal opinion of this book is I thought that the book kept saying the same thing for the first 15 chapters, and I think it could of added a little bit more at the end.
So, the book stars by talking about Cooper’s first night at his new house and he keeps hearing these strange noises outside his window. But it was just his brother playing one of his pranks. One day when he went into the woods he meets a girl named Fergie and while they are talking she says “Dogs” then she runs off then when Cooper catches up to her she does not remember saying anything. On his way home he turns around to see to small black dogs chasing him. When he finally tells his parents they don’t believe him. One night after the first week at his new school his friend Fergie was staying the night because her parents would be out of town. Then in the middle of the night Cooper heard the dogs again but this time they would be in his living room. So the dogs take Fergie and Cooper into the woods.
I somewhat liked this book but I thought it could have been better than it was. But overall I thought the book was impossible to put down I ended up reading it in about two days flat. If you don’t want to read a long book I would suggest this book it is only about one hundred and ten pages.
So in conclusion this book is about a kid named Cooper who is pretty much scared of his own shadow. It only gets worse when he moves to his new house in the middle of nowhere when these ghost dogs start haunting him. I would read this book if I was you it was a very nice book for me it brought me in on the first page and I was hooked for the rest of it.


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