Grief Girl By Erin Vincent | Teen Ink

Grief Girl By Erin Vincent

November 25, 2008
By Anonymous

At the beginning of the school year I needed a book to read, so I went to the library. At the library I was looking on an orange shelf and saw a black and purple book with swirls on it and they looked like vines. I picked it up and read the first page. I read, “ I’ve killed them, I’ve killed them with my thoughts. Why did I think of such a thing? ” After reading that I had to find out who she killed and why she thought she killed them.

Grief Girl is about and ordinary 14-year-old girl whose name is Erin and she lives in Australia. She is a confused, scared, and worried girl. Her whole life is turned around when a terrible accident happens. She doesn’t know how to act around her older sister and younger brother because she is the first to find out about the accident, she also doesn’t know what to do about it either. Through out the book she is trying to get over her parents death, and to get through life.

Once you start reading this book you will want to keep turning the pages. It has different events and mysteries. Also, if you like non-fiction, dramatic books like I do, and you want something interesting to read, then I highly recommend this book to you.


This article has 1 comment.

CindiPoo said...
on Dec. 12 2008 at 7:02 pm
Good article by Grace A..I love suspense and I would be interested in this one for sure..I read books that are recommended by previous I get the "good ones"..Thanks, Grace

Cindi M.