Paper Towns by John Green | Teen Ink

Paper Towns by John Green

May 5, 2014
By Anonymous

John Green’s Paper Towns is a riveting mystery forcing you to turn each page to find out what happens next. This book is about a senior girl in high school named Margo. She is a very adventurous girl and always has people questioning what she is up to next. One day, she drags her life time friend and neighbor, Q, to go with her on one of her adventures. They spend the night getting revenge on all of her enemies doing daring things. Just as Q begins to realize he likes Margo, she goes missing. This happens right before prom leaving Q without a possible prom date. The rest of the book is about Q searching for Margo. You will have to read the end to find out what happens!
This book is considerably easy to read. There is no hard vocabulary and all of the sentences flow nicely. Everything was easy to understand, and I never once had to re-read a section because I did not get it the first time. This book also allows you to forget about yourself, causing you to feel like you are living in the story. This book is exciting and parts are fast moving causing you to fall deep into the story. It takes you on an adventure that you would never go on by yourself. This book also relates well to high school students. It states facts that everyone thinks but no one actually says. Any high school student would agree with what Q and Margo think about high school.

In conclusion, I enjoyed reading this book. It was an easy read and it always kept my attention. I think high schoolers would enjoy this book the most, because it is about high school students. This story is a page turner and I highly recommend it to anyone! Make sure you read it; you do not want to miss out!


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