A Cold Killing by Luke Delaney | Teen Ink

A Cold Killing by Luke Delaney

June 4, 2014
By tinita BRONZE, Warrington, Other
tinita BRONZE, Warrington, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be who you are, dont change for people who dont like the real you.

The book A Cold Killing' by Luke Delaney is the best book to read if you are into crime, investigation, adventure and puzzle solving books. When I first got this book for my birthday I didnt think that I would like it. Altough when I started reading in I couldnt put it down because I wanted to know what would happen next. I even stayed up late on countless nights reading it, even when I had college in the morning. I just couldnt put it down. the book is about a man who kills random people off the streets because and i quote from the book 'because I have to' and a crime scene investigator who has had a really bad childhood but has joined the police force to stop murderers from killing innocent people has to figure out who it is that is killing these random people before it is too late and one of his own end up being murdered. This book is heart stopping and you will feel like you cant sleep unless you read the book all the way through to try and guess who the murderer actually is. It is a really good book and I really do suggest that you read this book and find it as interesting as I did.

The author's comments:
I hope that by writing this book review that people will read this book and feel the sameway that I did when I was reading this book.

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