The Mark Of Athena by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The Mark Of Athena by Rick Riordan

August 18, 2014
By NafeF BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
NafeF BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,
To Storm or Fire, The world must fall,
An oath to keep with final breath,
And Foes bear arms to the doors of death”
-The Great Prophecy
The novel The Mark of Athena is a fictional novel by author Rick Riordan. It is the third book of the Heroes of Olympus Series. It is focused on the seven demigods Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, Jason, Hazel, and Frank. They are both Greek and Roman Demigods. The Romans and Greeks were joined together when leaders of the camps were brain washed and placed in the other forces camps by the Greek and Roman versions of Hera/Juno in efforts of joining the two camps to fulfill the Great Prophecy. They must stop Gaea and her children the Giants.

The story starts off with Annabeth, Leo, Jason, and Piper trying to land the flying ship Leo constructed on the roman camp’s territory. He is stopped by Terminus, the roman god of boarders, he won’t allow them to pass in to his territory, New Rome , because Leo’s ship is a warship made to fight the Giants. Terminus allows them to keep the ship over New Rome. The Greeks and Jason are welcomed to New Rome and they celebrate with a feast.
After the feast, Leo gets possessed by a eidolon, a spirt, and attacks New Rome from his ship. This makes the seven demigods chosen to leave New Rome quickly with the Roman Legion on their tail. They travel across the world to Rome but run into many casualties. The romans catch-up and a fight breaks out, Gaea makes Piper choose between Jason and Percy and when she refused to choose she made them fight to the death for Piper (which end in her knocking them out), they meet Hercules, and eventually make it to Rome.

In Rome, the group spilt up. Annabeth left to use the Mark of Athena to locate a statue of Athena call the Parthenon which was lost by the Romans. She finds it is the ownership of Arachne, an enemy of Athena. Frank, Hazel, and Leo search to find Hazel’s lost brother, Nico, who tried to stop Gaea ,but was caught. Percy, Jason, and Piper visit the Coliseum and find the Giants, Otis and Ephialtes, who they have to fight.

To find out what happens to them read the novel The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan.

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