Flawless by Lara Chapmen | Teen Ink

Flawless by Lara Chapmen

August 18, 2014
By Kailanik_ BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
Kailanik_ BRONZE, Keaau, Hawaii
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The story I read this summer was “Flawless.” The author, Lara Chapmen, did an amazing job capturing Sarah and Kristen’s friendship and making a laughable teen book. This book is a mixture between romance and realistic fiction. This is so because this novel involved a lot of relationships and boy-talk. This book also involved many realistic events that could happen to any teenager. Settings of this book included: Both Sarah and Kristen’s house, their high school, a theatre, and a party. Main characters of this story include: Rock (New student and Kristen’s boyfriend), Jay (Sarah’s friend), Beth Burke (Sarah’s mom), and Sarah’s favorite teachers (Mrs.Freel&Mr.Jacobi).
This book is about Sarah and Kristen starting their senior year of high school together, and facing all the challenges of senior year. Despite their differences Sarah and Kristen have been best friends forever. Kristen is a flawless, shopaholic, who has tons of confidence. Sarah has more of a friendly and quiet personality. She also has a low self-esteem because of her beak-shaped nose that everyone teases her about.
On their first day of school they meet Rock, and immediately become attracted to him. Sarah and Rock connect well because of their interests in books and poems. But Kristen is the one who gains the confidence to date Rock. Kristen has a hard time connecting with Rock because of their differences; so Kristen makes Sarah message Rock anonymously whenever he communicates with her via face-book. Sarah doesn’t want to mess up her relationship with her best friend so she continues to message Rock despite her own feelings. This book taught me about loyalty to the people you love no matter what you might have to risk.
“Flawless” made me feel more confident about myself and remembering that everyone has their own flaws and I need to accept mines. This book is a must read; its comedic phrases make it super enjoyable to read. This book is absolutely amazing for all ages, and has many relatable situations teenagers may go through.

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